Buying Into the Small Home Movement
As a response to the current economic custom homes a marked change to the way that many people are looking to purchase new homes. After years of buying into the inflated housing market and the "bigger is better" thought process, home buyers are now becoming more focused on the idea of quality over quantity.
There are many reasons to buy into the small housing trend or even the tiny housing trends, though what the best options are for you will really depend on your own needs. If you're a single person, you will only really only need a minimal amount of space compared to if you have a spouse and/or a child or two. Likewise, if you tend to do your socializing outside of your home, you'll need less space than if you like to throw dinner parties for your friends.
Many homeowners who buy small or tiny homes can save a lot of money and time every month. While small homes are generally less expensive to buy overall, they're also cheaper to heat in the winter and keep cool in the summer. Due to the smaller footprint your small home has it's easier to keep clean, partly because you have to be more creative with your storage solutions and hoard a little less. Smaller homes have rooms that are usable on a day to day basis instead of rooms that are "saved" for special occasions like the "out of bounds" living rooms that many of us grew up with.
If you're looking to buy a small house that isn't finished the way you'd like it, rest assured that small homes are cheaper to renovate due to a diminished amount of materials required to get the job done. Less space to sprawl out in also means that your family will spend more time together, though that also means that it's a little harder to spend time alone.
Small or tiny homes are also a green alternative to a large home. This is partly due to the fact that they take less resources to make because there is just less materials in their construction and partly due to the fact that they take less energy to heat and cool. If you also use more ecologically friendly materials in its construction you can vastly improve on your home's carbon footprint as well.
The best thing for many home buyers is that small or tiny homes usually come with very small mortgages, depending on the area they're located in. With our current economic climate, it is good for many families to take on smaller, more manageable debts instead of the large homeowner loans that helped create the current situation.
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